Kagan Cooperative Strategy


Kagan Cooperative Learning is an extremely successful teaching strategy in which small teams of students work together towards a learning goal. Each member of the group is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understands and complete it. Kagan Cooperative Learning structures minimize the opportunity for pupil to become distracted, disruptive and then disaffected by giving them the skills to work with others and to learn independently of the teacher. This structure teach pupils social skills, interaction with other pupil, turn talking, listening to the views of others and sharing information. I have used some Kagan Cooperative Strategies in the school. 

This strategy was conducted in following steps for std.VI in C.T.N. High School, Curchorem.
1. Make students into two groups. 2. Give equal number of chits to each group 3. Teacher asks questions. 4. Any member who keeps the chit first on the table will get the chance to answer. 5. The team which finishes maximum number of chits in that particular time is the winner.

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